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Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
Top Qualities of a Good Teacher
There are many people who would guess instructional prowess would be at the top of the list of what makes a good teacher, I am not one of...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
1 min read
Are You Ready To Lead Your Organization?
Are you ready to lead your organization? Click here to find out how you can do just that. In love, friendship, and leadership,

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
Fear Is A Liar
FEAR: The biggest killer of our dreams. When we are faced with it, our first reaction is to fold and let it take over. I'm here to help...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
What Is The Most Important Job For School Leaders?
I know your wondering...Find out here In love, friendship, and leadership,

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
1 min read
Managing Relationships With Your Superiors
When we think of managing relationships with our superiors, our minds go to respect immediately. This is the key to unlocking the door to...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
1 min read
Stories We Love--Get Kids More Engaged in Learning
I was so humbled to be asked by my friend Karen Lorre to be on her YouTube show-Stories We Love. It was so much fun to talk about why we...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
1 min read
From March 21st, 2022 to March 23d, 2022, my VERY FIRST virtual workshop for school leaders will be held! The topic of the three-day...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
1 min read
I've Never Done This Before
I'm launching a FREE 3-DAY VIRTUAL workshop for school leaders on how I went from exhausted, overworked, and choosing between my family...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
It's Okay To Take A Break From The Grind
It's okay to take a day off. I was speaking with a school leader recently who was telling me how stressed out she was. She had not taken...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
Leadership Team Case Study
Leadership Team Case Study - How I Helped Unify a School’s Leadership Team Here were the problems: -The school had disjointed leadership....

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
Kanika Thakran Explains How You Can Make MORE Money As An Educator
Hi friends! Check out this guest blog entry by Kanika Thakran. This may be just the resource you are looking for. Let us know what you...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
All Work, No Play
It’s been 8 years since I started an elementary charter school. It was literally sweat and tears but thankfully no blood! 😭 It was long...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
4 min read
Boost Your Income By Helping Students Virtually in 2022-Guest Blog By Kanika Thakran
Are you passionate about teaching students but have limited time and need flexibility? Worry no more. In-person learning, real-time...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
Listen Up
If you’re working yourself to the bone and still not getting enough done, you need to listen up…👂 When I was a principal for the first...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
ATTN: Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals & Teachers
Who wants a free copy of my new book?! In this book, I draw from my experience of becoming the Chief Education Officer and Founder of...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
Don't Waste Time Waiting
“She’s good.” Two small words that hold so much meaning. That’s what a school leader I took from a principal to a central office...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
Is Anyone Else As Worried As I Am?
I am worried. I am worried about the leaders out there who are giving their all. I am worried about organizations that don't have a...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
How To Feel Like You Have Enough Time Each Day To Be Consistent
Isn't this the million-dollar desire? So, here's the deal: There never is enough time to do all of the things that we need to do as...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
Lessons In Leadership Brought To You By Parasailing
Lessons in Leadership from Parasailing Recently we were on vacation and my son and I went parasailing. As I reflected upon my experience...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
The Time Is Now
Before I retired as the CEO of the charter school I founded, I was that brand new principal who was like, “holy cow, I have all these...
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