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Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
3 min read
Don't Ever Let Anyone Tell You What You Are Capable Of Achieving
I remember it as if it was yesterday – I was sitting in a large conference room, the lone charter school founder, among nine members of...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
How To Find An Accountability Bestie
How to find Leadership Besties for Accountability: 👩❤️👩 Do you know why Weight Watchers or working out with a personal trainer works?...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
How I Grew My Leadership Team
The best legacy that I left when I stepped down as the CEO of my school, was the leadership team. I had 11 people who served in a variety...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
What To Do Next If You Want To Move Up In Your Organization
There will be a time when you know you want to move up in your organization. When you feel ready, do the following: ✅ Let your supervisor...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
Trendy vs. On-Trend, and What it Means
Today I was binge-watching a show called George Saves the Day. PSA: You should watch it it is great but prepare to cry. George completes...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
How I've Simplified Creating Building-Wide Goals
When I started as an administrator I had big goals and even bigger plans. What I didn't anticipate is that I needed the buy-in of others...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
The Toughest Leadership Lesson I've Ever Learned
So, it turns out it is not always about the children. Yup, you read that correctly, it is not always about the children. That is the...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
Why I Do What I Do
Why I do what I do/Why I love what I am doing now: I have fully retired as the CEO of the school that I started. I had many, wonderful...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
What Work/Life Balance Looks Like For Me Now
I know many of you are thinking Work-Life Balance HA, there is no such thing. I assure you it is a thing and something you should have....

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
The Story Behind My Brand Messaging
When I wrote my first book I chose the title "Do you Want to Be a Superintendent" and my subtitle "Become the Leader You Were Meant to...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
Feeling like a hamster on a wheel? I did too.
How to feel like you have enough time to be consistent: Isn’t this the million dollar desire. 🎯 So, here’s the deal- there never is...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
How to NOT Sacrifice Your Family to Lead Your District or School
I know as educational leaders sometimes it feels like it is either our work or our family but it does NOT need to be that way. There ARE...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
Letting Go: How To Trust Your Team
One of the biggest mistakes I find that new leaders make is to try to control things too tightly. Because they are so new to the role...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
2 min read
Things Busy People Hate
Meeting just for meeting's sake. If you are in this group then you are a busy person and you totally feel me! If you are planning on...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
1 min read
How to Block Out the Noise
As Educational Leaders we are bombarded with "got a minute" and fires to put out all over the place. You MUST find time to block out the...

Donna Marie Cozine, Ed.D.
2 min read
How to Stay Focused as an Educational Leader
Many of us are setting resolutions for the upcoming year and I think one of the most important things we can do as educational leaders is...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
3 min read
To Err is Human....
How you respond when someone calls you out for a mistake makes a difference and says a lot about you as a person and as a leader. The...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
1 min read
My Commitment To You
I opened up my website in preparation to start blogging again and I realized that I haven't updated my blog in a full year... A YEAR! The...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
2 min read
My New Year's Wish For You
It's finally here, the new year. I'm not going to lie, 2020 was a struggle for me too. Life as I knew it was upended in ways that I never...

Dr. Donna Marie Cozine
3 min read
Your people wanted me to tell you something....lean in....
Your people need a few things from you right now but they just don’t know how to tell you so I will do it for them. The first thing they...
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