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Do you believe affirmations are effective tools for calming an anxious mind?

Do you believe affirmations are effective for calming an anxious mind? Do you use them when you are stressed and anxious? Anxious thoughts have a way of intruding on everyone. When people are in leadership roles the anxious thoughts are sometimes caused by impostor syndrome, the feeling that a person isn’t qualified for the position they hold. Affirmations are a way a person can embolden themselves when they are feeling anxious. They are a way of giving yourself reminders of who you are, what you’re worth, and why you are here. There are times you will doubt that you are where you need to be. You will question your choices and wonder why you chose to become a superintendent. That, my friend, is self-doubt and self-doubt is a saboteur; she feeds off your trepidations and creates great crevices in your self-confidence.

So, what do you do when she rears her negative head? You tell yourself that you are good enough. You accept who you are, including all of your strengths and areas for growth.

You give yourself the gift of grace, of knowing that you are not perfect and that is okay because no one is. When this happens, you need to go into a quiet place, breathe deeply, and begin to prioritize your next steps.

Some of my favorite affirmations are “you are enough”, “you were born for this”, “you’ve got this”, and “worry about nothing and pray about everything."

What are yours?

In love, friendship and leadership,



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