Feeling like a hamster on a wheel? I did too.
So, here's the deal 🆗: There never is enough time to do all of the things that we need to do as educational leaders. So forget trying...
Do this instead: 1.) Create a to-do list 📑
2.) Divide your list into the following categories: to do now, do soon, for someone else to do. 📊
3.) Set a date by which you aim to get the items on the list done.📆
4.) Let others know what they need to do. 💌
5.) Put the due date on your calendar and the calendar of the people who you are giving the tasks to. 📅
Progress is better than procrastination, stress, perfection, and worry. Forget trying to do it ALL every day. It is not SUSTAINABLE and will burn you out. Try this and let me know how it goes!
Don't forget to join my free facebook community where I share tips and resources just like this, almost every single day!
In friendship, love and leadership,
