Do you know why Weight Watchers or working out with a personal trainer works? 💪
It's about accountability.
Leadership can be a very lonely position. It is important to find people to help you hold yourself accountable.
It's actually pretty simple: 1. Do you have a friend or colleague who serves in a similar role? Bingo....he/she can be your accountability bestie.
2. Talk to your friend and say "Hey, can we check in once a week to see how things are going?" I'd love to have someone from who I can bounce things off. Voila....you have your accountability buddy.
Another great way to have an accountability buddy is to get a coach. I have found that my productivity and efficacy have been increased by working with coaches.
I've worked with personal trainers, weight-loss coaches, a book coach who helped me write not one but two books, a business coach, a marketing coach, a podcast coach, and an executive coach when I was a CEO. Working with them allowed me to make gains I never would have accomplished. Even better than that they helped me learn skills in an area that....wait for it....was not my zone of genius leaving me to focus on what I am good at......which is helping leaders grow.
If you'd like to learn more about how I can help YOU, book a call here today.
In friendship, love and leadership,
