Earlier this week I was interviewed for a podcast and we spoke about why I shifted to working with female educational leaders.
I am capable of and have worked with educational leaders of both genders but have focused my efforts on women this past year. The reason is simple. I want women to know that they can be successful at home and at work.
We don’t have to subscribe to the belief that we can only have one or the other. Yes, it is difficult to accomplish, not impossible. I was able to accomplish it and with my help many other women have experienced the same. There is power in a group of women opening up with each other sharing successes and challenges. There is power in us being there for and with each other; sister leaders who just want the best for each other.
Most women, wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing the things we talk about in our groups if men were there. Why? It is simply because our leadership walk is different from theirs. If we were to share some of these things the implicit bias that some have toward women in leadership would raise its head once again and….
‘Aint nobody got time for that!!!
At one of our recent cohort meetings, one of our members was sharing something about herself and a specific situation she was experiencing. The other member and I were nodding in understanding. More than that, her sister leader said “Everything you just said I could have said the exact same way, are you sure we’re not sisters.”
That is the power of a women-only leadership cohort.
That is the power of everyone being there for the success of the group.
That is the power of sisterhood.
If you want to feel that power, respond ME to this blog post.
FYI: I don’t work with everyone and I keep my cohorts very small so all my sister leaders can get personalized attention.
In friendship, love and leadership,
