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Be the leader you were meant to be. 

Get my eBook "So You Want To Be a Superintendent?"


The Story Behind My Brand Messaging

When I wrote my first book I chose the title "Do you Want to Be a Superintendent" and my subtitle "Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be." ✅

The idea behind the book was that the job of Superintendent is the highest job in our field and that if a person reaches that goal they will have to have mastered many different aspects of leadership. The book is for anyone who wants to grow their leadership abilities in whichever job they find themselves 💯

The subtitle is really the purpose, it is helping people become the leader that they were meant to be. For me I drilled down to what research, and my own experiences showed me help people to get there. I called them my Leadership DRIVERS 🎯

D: Discover your Mission

R: Realize your Values

I: Ignore Your Weaknesses and Focus on Your Growth

V: Validating Relationships

E: Engaging Organizational Strategies

R: Reasoning and Analysis to Make Decisions

S: Self Care I am finding great fulfillment in helping leaders become the leader they were meant to be, achieve their goals, and achieve the work-life balance they deserve!

For a free copy:

In friendship, love, and leadership,

P.S. If you would like to know more about how I help educational leaders like you achieve their goals, schedule a free strategy session here.



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